Parents-How To Help At Home

This is a great site to go to for information about the expectations and stages of learning for each Year level. There are tips for how to help at home.


  1. Hi,
    Has anyone figured out the answer to the las question on the Otago maths test.

    the 5 digit number with 2 added to the end making it 3 times bigger that if 2 was added to the end!!

    I have the answer but did it by trial and error over 5 days!

    E-mail me back if you think you have it !!


    Joe Deegan

  2. Now I will write it properly!! I was so excited when i worked it out I forgot to proof read my work.

    Has anyone figured out the answer to the last question on the Otago maths test.

    the 5 digit number with 2 added to the END making it 3 times bigger that if 2 was added to the BEGINNING!!

    I have the answer but did it by trial and error over 5 days!

    E-mail me back if you think you have it !!


    Joe Deegan


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